CFUW Fredericton Membership

A woman is eligible for membership in CFUW Fredericton if she supports the purposes of CFUW. A student member is a woman who is attending an institution of higher education. Student members pay 50% (percent) of the Club per capital dues.
CFUW Fredericton Dues for the 2024-2025 year is $78.
Why should you join CFUW Fredericton? Our aims are to actively:
- Pursue knowledge
- Promote high standards of public education in Canada and advanced research by women and encourage lifelong learning
- Encourage literacy in the community
- Advocate for the advancement of human rights, status of women and the common good
- Stimulate an intelligent interest in public affairs in the political, social and cultural fields and offer opportunities for concerted action
- Promote cooperation, networking, support and understanding among women
Promote CFUW policies and programs
If CFUW Fredericton interests you, please attend one of our meetings.